Mga Phrasal Verb Gamit ang 'Down' at 'Away' - Nagdudulot ng Pinsala, Kamatayan, o Presyon (Pababa)
to hit someone or something with great strength or power

batuhin nang malakas, paluin

(of a machine or vehicle) to stop working as a result of a malfunction

masira, masira ng sasakyan

to be completely destroyed by fire, leaving nothing behind

totally masunog, lubusang masira ng apoy

to seriously injure or kill a person by shooting them, particularly someone who is defenseless

barilin, patayin

to kill or cause harm to a large number of people, often through violent means

pumatay, paghukay

to demolish a structure or building, typically by pulling it apart or taking it down piece by piece

gibain, wasakin

to mercifully end the life of a sick or elderly animal to prevent further suffering

eutanase, pumatay

to injure or kill by knocking someone or something down and passing over their body, as with a vehicle

masagasaan, madurog

to fire upon an aircraft or another object with the intent of bringing it to the ground

pabagsakin, barilin