
افعال عبارتی با استفاده از 'Down' و 'Away' - ایجاد آسیب، مرگ یا فشار (پایین)






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شروع یادگیری
Phrasal Verbs With 'Down' & 'Away'
to beat down

to hit someone or something with great strength or power

کسی را کتک زدن

کسی را کتک زدن

to break down

(of a machine or vehicle) to stop working as a result of a malfunction

خراب شدن

خراب شدن

to burn down

to be completely destroyed by fire, leaving nothing behind

کاملاً سوختن

کاملاً سوختن

to chop down

to cut something, usually a tree or large plant

قطع کردن

قطع کردن

to cut down

to cut through something at its base in order to make it fall

قطع کردن

قطع کردن

to gun down

to seriously injure or kill a person by shooting them, particularly someone who is defenseless

به گلوله بستن

به گلوله بستن

to knock down

to destroy a structure such as building or wall

خراب کردن (دیوار، ساختمان و...)

خراب کردن (دیوار، ساختمان و...)

to mow down

to kill or cause harm to a large number of people, often through violent means



to pull down

to demolish a structure or building, typically by pulling it apart or taking it down piece by piece

خراب کردن (ساختمان)

خراب کردن (ساختمان)

to put down

to mercifully end the life of a sick or elderly animal to prevent further suffering

خلاص کردن

خلاص کردن

to run down

to injure or kill by knocking someone or something down and passing over their body, as with a vehicle

تااخرین نفس دنبال کردن

تااخرین نفس دنبال کردن

Google Translate
to shoot down

to fire upon an aircraft or another object with the intent of bringing it to the ground

شلیک کردن (به یک هواپیما)

شلیک کردن (به یک هواپیما)

to tear down

to destroy something completely

تخریب کردن (ساختمان و غیره)

تخریب کردن (ساختمان و غیره)

to wear down

to become damaged through regular use

آسیب دیدن

آسیب دیدن

to weigh down

to make someone feel sad or stressed by putting a lot of emotional or mental pressure on them

تحت فشار قرار دادن

تحت فشار قرار دادن

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