Le livre Headway - Intermédiaire - Anglais quotidien (Unité 1)
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire de l'unité 1 d'anglais quotidien du manuel de cours Headway Intermediate, tel que « sympathie », « juste assez », « brillant », etc.
feelings of care and understanding toward other people's emotions, especially sadness or suffering

an expression of joy or approval offered to someone to acknowledge their achievement, success, or good fortune

félicitations, congratulations

helping to improve or support health, happiness, or overall quality of life

bon, bénéfique

meeting the minimum or expected level of quality, but not necessarily exceeding it

acceptable, satisfaisant

used to acknowledge the validity or logic behind someone's assertion, even if one doesn't entirely agree with it

C'est juste, D'accord

said to show that we are agreeing to do something or we agree with something
