Le livre Interchange - Intermédiaire Supérieur - Unité 7 - Partie 2
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire de l'Unité 7 - Partie 2 du manuel de cours Interchange Intermédiaire Supérieur, tel que "professionnel", "responsable", "estimation", etc.
to make something smaller in amount, degree, price, etc.
diminuer, réduire
someone who does not have a place to live in and so lives on the streets
sans domicile fixe, SDF
having a price that a person can pay without experiencing financial difficulties
abordable, pas trop cher, pas trop chère
someone who works in the government or a law-making organization
homme politique, femme politique
responsible for one's actions and prepared to explain them
involving the necessary knowledge or skills for a certain occupation
a place or building that is meant to provide protection against danger or bad weather
abri, refuge
the extensive removal of forests, typically causing environmental damage
the ability to move easily or be freely moved from one place, job, etc. to another
unhealthy food, containing a lot of fat, sugar, etc.
cochonneries, malbouffe, vite prêts, junk food
the act of invading or entering a territory, country, or region by force or without permission, often with the intent to control or dominate the area and its inhabitants
a huge round object that moves in an orbit, around the sun or any other star
in a manner that emphasizes a specific aspect or detail
needing attention and action because of possible danger or risk
to a significantly large extent or by a considerable amount
considérablement, radicalement
a community of living organisms together with their physical environment, interacting as a system
a group that animals, plants, etc. of the same type which are capable of producing healthy offspring with each other are divided into
a hard, often pink or red substance produced by marine invertebrates, used in jewelry and ornaments
a ridge of rock or a line of sand near the surface of a body of water
récif, écueil
a type of fish with long, colorful spines on its body, which is typically found in warm waters and can be dangerous to humans
to guess the value, number, quantity, size, etc. of something without exact calculation
(of a living being) to produce offspring or more of itself
a deadly substance that can kill or seriously harm if it enters the body
(of an animal or insect) producing a substance that kills or harms a prey or an enemy
the number of people who live in a particular city or country
to pursue wild animals in order to kill or catch them, for sport or food
a painful infliction caused by a small sharp and pointed organ that some insects have and use to penetrate the prey and inject poison
not receiving a warm or friendly reception
indésirable, inattendu
so memorable that being forgotten is impossible
inoubliable, imperishable
to provide medical care such as medicine or therapy to heal injuries, illnesses, or wounds and make someone better
being incapable of or lacking the skill, means, etc. necessary for doing something
to prevent someone or something from being damaged or harmed