
Qualités - Erreurs et imperfections

Découvrez comment des proverbes anglais comme « chaque grain a son noir » et « un bon tireur peut rater » décrivent les erreurs et les imperfections en anglais.







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a good marksman may miss

used to imply that even skilled individuals can make mistakes or fail to achieve their desired outcome

un bon tireur peut rater

un bon tireur peut rater

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every bean has its black

used to suggest that every person or thing has its flaws or negative aspects, no matter how good or perfect they may seem

chaque grain a son noir

chaque grain a son noir

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a horse has four legs, yet it falls often

used to imply that even though something or someone may possess certain qualities or advantages, they are not immune to failure or setbacks

un cheval a quatre pattes, mais il tombe souvent

un cheval a quatre pattes, mais il tombe souvent

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the best of men are but men at best

used to imply that even the most exceptional individuals are still human and therefore have limitations and flaws

even Homer (sometimes) nods

used to imply that even the most skilled and knowledgeable individuals are capable of making mistakes or errors

if you do not make mistakes, you do not make anything

used to emphasize that making mistakes is an inevitable and necessary part of the process of learning and achieving success

it is a good horse that never stumbles and a good wife that never grumbles

used to imply that making mistakes is a natural part of being human, and nobody is immune to it, regardless of how skilled or experienced they are

c'est un bon cheval qui ne trébuche jamais et une bonne épouse qui ne râle jamais

c'est un bon cheval qui ne trébuche jamais et une bonne épouse qui ne râle jamais

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to err is human (, to forgive divine)

used to imply that making mistakes is a natural part of being human, and it is important to forgive people when they make mistakes

L'erreur est humaine, le pardon divin

L'erreur est humaine, le pardon divin

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there is no garden without its weeds

used to imply that nothing in life is perfect and that even the best situations or individuals have their flaws, weaknesses, or challenges

il n'y a pas de jardin sans mauvaises herbes

il n'y a pas de jardin sans mauvaises herbes

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