Adjectifs Décrivant les Expériences Sensorielles - Adjectifs de préparation des aliments
Ces adjectifs décrivent les méthodes et techniques utilisées dans la cuisson et la préparation des plats, véhiculant des attributs tels que « grillé », « cuit au four », « rôti », etc.
(of food) having been left on heat for too long, resulting in a loss of moisture, flavor, and tenderness

trop cuit, surcuit

not cooked sufficiently, resulting in a raw or partially cooked state

mal cuit, pas assez cuit

(of food) having been cooked by exposure to dry heat, typically in an oven or over an open flame, resulting in a crispy or browned exterior

rôti, cuit au four

having been cooked over direct heat, often on a grill, resulting in a charred or seared exterior

grillé, cuit au grill

(of food) preserved and stored in a sealed container, typically made of metal

en conserve, conservé

having been made at home, rather than in a factory or store, especially referring to food

fait maison, préparé à la maison