
ज्ञान और बुद्धि - ज्ञान एवं जागरूकता

पता लगाएं कि कैसे अंग्रेजी कहावतें जैसे "एक बीमारी ज्ञात है, आधा ठीक हो जाती है" और "ज्ञान ही शक्ति है" अंग्रेजी में ज्ञान और जागरूकता को दर्शाती है।


समीक्षा करें





शुरू करें
Knowledge & Wisdom
what you see is what you get

used to imply that the external appearance of something or someone accurately reflects their true nature or qualities

जो देखा सो पाया

जो देखा सो पाया

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a straw will show which way the wind blows

used to emphasize the importance of paying attention to small details or clues that can provide insights into larger situations or outcomes

real eyes realize

used to imply that by seeing things clearly and without illusions or biases, one can gain a deeper understanding of reality, emphasizing the importance of being observant and aware

असली आँखों को एहसास होता है

असली आँखों को एहसास होता है

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memory is the treasure of the mind

used to imply that the ability to remember and recall past experiences, knowledge, and emotions is a valuable asset that can provide insights, lessons, and personal growth

स्मृति मन का खजाना है

स्मृति मन का खजाना है

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the longest journey is the journey within

used to emphasize that the most challenging and rewarding journey is the exploration of oneself, discovering one's thoughts, emotions, and true nature

सबसे लंबी यात्रा भीतर की यात्रा है

सबसे लंबी यात्रा भीतर की यात्रा है

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knowledge is power

used to imply that education and learning are powerful tools that can help individuals achieve success, make informed decisions, and make a positive impact on the world

ज्ञान शक्ति है

ज्ञान शक्ति है

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(a) little knowledge is a dangerous thing

used to imply that having incomplete knowledge about something can lead to overestimating one's abilities or underestimating the complexity of the subject matter, which can be harmful

नीम हकीम खतरे जान

नीम हकीम खतरे जान

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knowledge in youth is wisdom in age

used to imply that gaining knowledge and education at an early age is valuable, as it can result in greater wisdom and understanding later in life

doubt is often the beginning of wisdom

used to imply that being skeptical or uncertain about something can lead to a deeper understanding and knowledge, as it encourages one to question and seek answers

संदेह अक्सर ज्ञान की शुरुआत है

संदेह अक्सर ज्ञान की शुरुआत है

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a good mind possesses a kingdom

used to suggest that a good and intelligent mind is equivalent to possessing great power and influence

एक अच्छे दिमाग का एक साम्राज्य होता है

एक अच्छे दिमाग का एक साम्राज्य होता है

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better brain than brawn

used to suggest that intelligence, knowledge, and mental abilities are more valuable and useful than physical strength or brute force.

भूरे से बेहतर दिमाग

भूरे से बेहतर दिमाग

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a disease known is half cured

used to imply that identifying and understanding the root cause of a problem is a crucial step towards finding a solution or remedy

ज्ञात रोग आधा ठीक हो जाता है

ज्ञात रोग आधा ठीक हो जाता है

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the nose knows

used for emphasizing the significance of intuition, perception, and sensory awareness

नाक जानती है

नाक जानती है

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for wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul

used to suggest that seeking knowledge and wisdom can be a fulfilling experience that leads to better decision-making and a more meaningful life

क्योंकि बुद्धि तेरे हृदय में प्रवेश करेगी, और ज्ञान तेरे मन को भाएगा

क्योंकि बुद्धि तेरे हृदय में प्रवेश करेगी, और ज्ञान तेरे मन को भाएगा

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wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse

used to suggest that possessing wisdom can protect an individual from the harmful actions and words of deceitful and immoral people

बुद्धि तुम्हें दुष्टों के चालचलन से, और टेढ़े वचनों से बचाए रखेगी

बुद्धि तुम्हें दुष्टों के चालचलन से, और टेढ़े वचनों से बचाए रखेगी

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LanGeek ऐप डाउनलोड करें