
500 Leggyakoribb Angol Ige - A legnépszerűbb 151–175 ige

Itt találja a leggyakrabban előforduló angol igék listájának 7. részét, mint például az "arc", "bear" és "study".









Indítsa el a tanulást
Most Common Verbs in English Vocabulary
to remain

to stay in the same state or condition



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to face

to deal with a given situation, especially an unpleasant one



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to bear

to allow the presence of an unpleasant person, thing, or situation without complaining or giving up

to wonder

to want to know about something particular

hogy kíváncsi valamire

hogy kíváncsi valamire

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to study

to spend time to learn about certain subjects by reading books, going to school, etc.

tanul valamit

tanul valamit

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to apply

to formally request something, such as a place at a university, a job, etc.

hivatalosan kérve

hivatalosan kérve

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to manage

to do something successfully, particularly something difficult

valami nehéz feladat megvalósítása

valami nehéz feladat megvalósítása

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to reduce

to make something smaller in amount, degree, price, etc.

valamit csökkenteni

valamit csökkenteni

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to adapt

to become fit for a new purpose or situation

to travel

to go from one location to another, particularly to a far location



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to name

to give a name to something or someone

nevet adni valakinek

nevet adni valakinek

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to suggest

to mention an idea, proposition, plan, etc. for further consideration or possible action

javasol valamit

javasol valamit

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to remove

to take something away from a position



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to cook

to make food with heat

ételt főzni

ételt főzni

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to welcome

to meet and greet someone who has just arrived

to improve

to make a person or thing better



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to control

to have power over a person, company, country, etc. and to decide how things should be done

teljes irányítás alatt

teljes irányítás alatt

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to compare

to examine or look for the differences between of two or more objects

emberek vagy dolgok összehasonlítása

emberek vagy dolgok összehasonlítása

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to drink

to put water, coffee, or other type of liquid inside of our body through our mouth

iszik valamit

iszik valamit

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to experience

to personally be involved in and understand a particular situation, event, etc.

megtapasztalni valamit

megtapasztalni valamit

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to test

to take actions to check the quality, reliability, or performance of something

valamit elemezni

valamit elemezni

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to carry

to hold someone or something and take them from one place to another

valamit cipelni

valamit cipelni

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to return

to go or come back to a person or place

visszatérni valahova

visszatérni valahova

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to treat

to deal with or behave toward someone or something in a particular way

valakivel bizonyos módon bánni

valakivel bizonyos módon bánni

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to worry

to feel upset and nervous because we think about bad things that might happen to us or our problems

aggódni valami miatt

aggódni valami miatt

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