B1 Szintű Szólista - Adverbs and Prepositions
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol határozószót és elöljárószót, mint például "szerint", "belül", "tetszik" stb., a B1-es tanulók számára készült.
in regard to what someone has said or written
szerint, vmi szerint
used to show that a person or thing looks like someone or something else
mint, úgy
before a specific period of time passes
a következő órán belül, a következő óra letelte előtt
used to show that something or someone is directly below or under something
alatt, alá
in or toward the direction of a position or place that is behind
hátrafelé, visszafelé
in, at, or pointing toward a lower level or position
lefelé, alacsonyabbra
in, at, or pointing toward a higher level or position
felfelé, fent
at a great distance or elevation from the ground or a reference point
magasan, magasságban
in the direction of a road, path, etc., indicating a forward movement
hosszában, mellette
at a distance from someone, somewhere, or something
távol, távolban
toward or at the back of something or someone
mögött, hátrafelé
used to refer to moving past or alongside something or someone
mellett, elhaladva
in a straight line from one point to another without turning or pausing
közvetlenül, egyenesen
in the center of or surrounded by a group of things or people
k között, között
used to show movement to a position or on a place or object
ra, re
used to point out that something or someone is part of a set or group
beleértve, tartalmazva
used to add more information or refer to unexpected facts
ráadásul, továbbá
in the direction of a particular person or thing
felé, irányába
used to introduce differences between two things or people
ellentétben, másképpen
used to indicate that something or someone moves or travels by passing through a place on the way to another
keresztül, via
used to indicate that a person or thing does not have something or someone
used to show exclusion or exception from a group or category
de, kivéve