여기에서는 B1 학습자를 위해 준비한 "according to", "within", "like" 등과 같은 몇 가지 영어 부사와 전치사를 학습합니다.
in regard to what someone has said or written
에 따르면, 에 의하면
used to show that a person or thing looks like someone or something else
처럼, 같이
used to provide an example
처럼, 예를 들어
before a specific period of time passes
다음 한 시간 이내에, 다음 시간이 지나기 전에
in a lower level, position, or place
아래, 밑에
used to show that something or someone is directly below or under something
아래, 하단에
in or toward the direction of a position or place that is behind
뒤로, 뒤쪽으로
toward a lower level or position
아래로, 하향으로
not in the distance
근처에, 가까운 곳에
toward a higher level
위로, 높이
at a great distance or elevation from the ground or a reference point
높이, 높은 곳에서
in the direction of a road, path, etc., indicating a forward movement
따라, 가면서
to, in, or at any place
어디서나, 어떤 곳에서도
to or in all places
어디에나, 모든 곳에
not in or to any place
어디에도, 어디서도
in, at, or to some unspecified place
at a distance from someone, somewhere, or something
멀리, 거리에서
toward or at the back of something or someone
뒤에, 뒤쪽에
used to refer to moving past or alongside something or someone
옆을 지나서, 근처에
in a straight line from one point to another without turning or pausing
직접, 곧바로
at or toward a lower level or position
아래로, 아래쪽으로
at or toward a higher level or position
위로, 위쪽으로
under the surface of the earth
지하에서, 지면 아래
in the center of or surrounded by a group of things or people
사이에, 가운데에
to the inner part or a position inside a place
안으로, 안에
used to show movement to a position or on a place or object
위로, 에
away from a location or position in time or space
떨어져, 멀리
without much space between
가까이, 옆에
used to point out that something or someone is part of a set or group
포함하여, 포함된
for one person or thing
인당, 에 대해
used to add more information or refer to unexpected facts
게다가, 또한
up to a particular event or point in time
까지, ~까지
in the direction of a particular person or thing
쪽으로, 향하여
used to introduce differences between two things or people
와는 다르게, 와는 달리
used to indicate that something or someone moves or travels by passing through a place on the way to another
를 통해, 경유하여
to a great or serious degree or extent
심하게, 나쁘게
used to indicate that a person or thing does not have something or someone
used to show exclusion or exception from a group or category
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