Előadóművészet - Előadóművészettel kapcsolatos szavak
Itt megtanulhat néhány előadóművészettel kapcsolatos angol szót, mint például a „showstopper”, „open mic” és „rutin”.
someone with whom one engages in dancing, typically as part of a pair or couple

táncpartner, táncbarát

a system of recording or representing dance movements and choreography using symbols or text

táncnotáció, koreográfiai notáció

an enthusiast of electronic dance music events, known for their energetic dancing, colorful attire, and strong sense of community

rave-rajongó, bulizós

a sport that involves cheering and dancing in support of a sports team, typically consisting of a group of girls wearing similar clothing

szurkolás, csapat szurkolók

a group of individuals who perform choreographed dance routines for various events or competitions

tánccsoport, tánc csapat

a large room or venue where people gather to socialize and dance, often accompanied by music

táncterem, bálterem

a room or space designed specifically for practicing and learning various forms of dance

táncstúdió, táncterem

a nightclub or restaurant, where a variety of entertainment, such as music, dance, and comedy, is presented for the audience

kabaret, szórakozóhely

a system for analyzing human movement developed by Rudolf Laban, used in fields such as dance, theater, and somatic practices

Laban mozgásanalízis, Laban mozgás elemzés

various traditional, folk, and cultural dances from around the world that showcase the rich diversity of human movement and expression

világtánc, világi tánc

a venue where dancers, typically female, perform striptease or exotic dance for patrons in exchange for tips or payment

striptíz klub, exotikus tánc klub

a place where people, especially young people, go to dance, listen to music, or spend time together

klub, diszkó

the process of securing engagements or performances for artists, bands, or performers at venues or events

foglalás, szervezés

a public exhibition or presentation of artistic or creative works, such as visual art, performances, or installations

kiállítás, bemutató

a live performance featuring singers, dancers, or musicians, often presented in nightclubs, restaurants, or casinos

floor show, élő előadás

a new performance of something old that has not been performed for a long time, such as a play

újjáéledés, újra bemutatás

a public performance or entertainment event, often involving a variety of acts such as music, dance, drama, comedy, or magic

előadás, show

an impressive moment in a performance that temporarily halts the show, often eliciting enthusiastic reactions from the audience

elképesztő előadás, show megállító szám

a performer or attraction that greatly appeals to audiences, resulting in the attraction of large crowds to an event or venue

a vonzerő, a figyelemfelkeltő

the list of entertainment programs or performers at a concert, theater, etc.

műsor, plakát

a gesture of dropping a microphone after making a bold statement, often used for emphasis or triumphant exit

mikrofon leejtése, mic drop

an act or performer who initiates an event or performance, often setting the mood or preparing the audience for subsequent acts

nyitó, előzenekar

a set of jokes, movements, songs, etc. practiced and used regularly in a performance

rutinszerű, szám

a specific performance or act, particularly on stage in theater or entertainment settings

előadás, szerep

an elevated area, especially in theaters, on which artists perform for the audience

színpad, emelkedő

a single performance or show presented on a specific evening

egyszeri előadás, egy éjszakás show

the act or result of performing or presenting something, such as a song, piece of music, or dramatic scene

előadás, értelmezés

the group of spectators gathered in a venue to watch a performance or event

a ház, a közönség

a form of spontaneous movement and expression in dance without predetermined choreography or structure

táncimprovizáció, improvizált tánc

a puppet with movable parts such as a mouth or limbs, operated by a performer to give the impression of speaking independently

bábu ventriloquist, ventriloquist-figura

a performance event where artists or performers can showcase their talent on stage without being booked in advance

nyílt mikrofon, nyílt színpad

a small puppet that fits onto a single finger, with the puppeteer's hand forming the character's body

ujjasbaba, bábú az ujjra

a kind of puppet that fits over the hand and resembles a person or an animal

kézibábu, kezelt báb

a theatrical performance in which puppets are used to convey a story or entertain an audience

bábjáték, bábos előadás

a place that is open during nighttime in which people can dance, eat, and drink

éjszakai klub, diszkó

related to the art or technique of creating dance sequences or movements


a formal performance or display of artistic works, such as theater productions, dance recitals, or musical concerts, presented to an audience in a public setting

nyilvános bemutató, nyilvános előadás