
Szociális Interakció - Konfliktus és harmónia

Merüljön el az angol közmondásokban, amelyek a konfliktust és a harmóniát ábrázolják, például „kettő kell egy veszekedéshez” és „a madarak kis fészkükben megegyeznek”.







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Social Interaction
birds in their little nests agree

used to imply that people are more likely to get along well with each other when they are in comfortable and familiar surroundings

madarak kis fészkükben egyetértenek

madarak kis fészkükben egyetértenek

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hawks will not pick out hawks' eyes

used to say that people who are similar or share a common goal should not harm each other, emphasizing the importance of loyalty and unity within a group

a sólymok nem veszik ki a sólymok szemét

a sólymok nem veszik ki a sólymok szemét

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make love, not war

used to promote the idea that people should prioritize love and peaceful relationships over war and violence

szeress, ne háborúzz

szeress, ne háborúzz

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a lean agreement is far better than a fat lawsuit

used to imply that it is better to find mutually acceptable solutions to conflicts, rather than resorting to legal action that can be time-consuming, expensive, and emotionally draining

it takes two to make a bargain (rolling)

used to imply that both parties involved in a negotiation or agreement must be willing to cooperate and compromise in order for it to be successful

it takes two to make a quarrel

used to imply that both parties are responsible for a disagreement or argument, and neither can be solely blamed for it

the quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love

used to imply that conflicts or arguments between two people in a romantic relationship are a natural and even necessary part of the relationship's growth and renewal

a szerelmesek veszekedése a szerelem megújulása

a szerelmesek veszekedése a szerelem megújulása

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truth is the first casualty of war

used to imply that during times of conflict, the truth is often distorted or hidden because conflicting sides manipulate information to gain an advantage

az igazság a háború első áldozata

az igazság a háború első áldozata

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