Sosyal Etkileşim - Anlaşmazlık ve Uyum
Çatışmayı ve uyumu tasvir eden "kavga etmek için iki kişi gerekir" ve "küçük yuvalarındaki kuşlar anlaşır" gibi İngiliz atasözlerini inceleyin.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
used to imply that people are more likely to get along well with each other when they are in comfortable and familiar surroundings

birlikte yaşayan insanların birbirleriyle iyi geçinmesi gerekir
used to say that people who are similar or share a common goal should not harm each other, emphasizing the importance of loyalty and unity within a group

aynı amaçlara hizmet eden insanların birbirlerini eleştirmek veya zarar vermek yerine birbirlerine destek olması gerek
used to promote the idea that people should prioritize love and peaceful relationships over war and violence

savaşma seviş
used to imply that it is better to find mutually acceptable solutions to conflicts, rather than resorting to legal action that can be time-consuming, expensive, and emotionally draining

konuyu anlaşarak halletmek dava açmaktan iyidir
used to imply that both parties involved in a negotiation or agreement must be willing to cooperate and compromise in order for it to be successful

anlaşma iki taraflı olur
used to imply that both parties are responsible for a disagreement or argument, and neither can be solely blamed for it

bu işte senin de hatan var
used to imply that conflicts or arguments between two people in a romantic relationship are a natural and even necessary part of the relationship's growth and renewal

kavgasız sevgi olmaz, ekmeksiz sofra olmaz