
SAT Szókincs Készségek 5 - 22. lecke









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SAT Word Skills 5
to guzzle

to drink something, especially an alcoholic beverage, enthusiastically, and in large quantities

beszippant, iszik

beszippant, iszik

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to nettle

to annoy or disturb someone, particularly through minor irritations

ingerelni, bosszantani

ingerelni, bosszantani

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to dwindle

to diminish in quantity or size over time

csökkenni, fogyni

csökkenni, fogyni

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to entangle

to interweave or twist into a complex and confusing mass, making separation or unraveling difficult

összegabalyít, összefon

összegabalyít, összefon

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to heckle

to rudely and annoyingly interrupt a speech and ask irritating questions

közbeszólni, megzavarni

közbeszólni, megzavarni

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to truckle

to act with flattery and leniency to gain a favor

hajbókol, körbeudvarol

hajbókol, körbeudvarol

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to scuttle

to move quickly and with short, hasty steps

sietni, rohan

sietni, rohan

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to ennoble

to give a title to someone in order to make them a member of the noble community

nemesít, nemesi címet ad

nemesít, nemesi címet ad

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to bedraggle

to make wet, disheveled, and dirty due to rain or mud

vizesít, rendetlenít

vizesít, rendetlenít

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to beguile

to deceptively attract or charm people

elbűvölni, csábítani

elbűvölni, csábítani

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to fondle

to touch or handle tenderly and affectionately

símogatni, kedveskedni

símogatni, kedveskedni

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to cajole

to persuade someone to do something through insincere praises, promises, etc. often in a persistent manner

rábeszélni, csábítani

rábeszélni, csábítani

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to muddle

to mix something together or cause confusion

összekever, zavarba ejt

összekever, zavarba ejt

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to hustle

to proceed with vigor, often involving a sense of urgency

sietni, sietős sebességgel haladni

sietni, sietős sebességgel haladni

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to mottle

to stain or mark something with spots of color

foltosít, megszínez

foltosít, megszínez

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to baffle

to prevent someone from achieving their goal or to disrupt their plans

megakadályozni, zavart okozni

megakadályozni, zavart okozni

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to nuzzle

to affectionately press or lean against someone or something

odahúz, lelőcsöl

odahúz, lelőcsöl

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to joggle

to repeatedly move from side to side

gingat, ásni

gingat, ásni

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to bristle

to be full of something

tele lenni, dúsítani

tele lenni, dúsítani

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to peddle

to sell goods, typically by traveling from place to place or going door-to-door

árulni, kínálni

árulni, kínálni

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