Általános IELTS Tréning (6-7-es Sáv) - Anyagok
Itt megtudhat néhány angol szót, amelyek a General Training IELTS vizsgához szükséges anyagokhoz kapcsolódnak.
a type of hard metal that is made of a mixture of iron and carbon, used in construction of buildings, vehicles, etc.


a substance of small size and equal sides, formed naturally when turns to solid

kristály, kristályok

a delicate cotton or silky cloth made by weaving or knitting threads in an open web-like pattern

csipke, háló

cloth that is made from the fibers of a plant called flax, used to make fine clothes, etc.

len, lenvászon

a type of heavy and sticky soil that is molded when wet and is baked to become hardened in pottery or ceramic making

agyag, cserép

a synthetic fiber that is quick to dry and is widely used in textile industry


a textile fiber made by chemical processes that is used for clothes and dries quickly

akril, akril szál

a yellowish metal alloy of copper and zinc, often used for making musical instruments, decorative items, and various other objects

sárgaréz, réz és cink ötvözete

a metallic chemical element that has a red-brown color, primarily used as a conductor in wiring


a corrosion-resistant alloy used in various industries for its durability and aesthetic qualities

rozsdamentes acél, inox

a type of hard smooth rock that is mostly white in color and has colored lines, which is used as building material or in making statues

márvány, marble

a hard, white, translucent ceramic material that is known for its strength, durability, and translucency


a material that is elastic, water-resistant, and often used in various products such as tires, gloves, and erasers

gumi, kaucsuk

a hard material used for building structures, made by mixing cement, water, sand, and small stones

beton, építőanyag