Színek és Formák - Alakzatokhoz kapcsolódó szavak
Itt megtanulhat néhány alakzatokhoz kapcsolódó angol szót, mint például a "cruciform", "asymetria" és "circumference".
not having identical parts facing each other or around an axis
in a way that the two sides or halves of something do not correspond in size or shape
(geometry) a lack of symmetry or equivalence in shape or size between the two sides or parts of something
having a shape that consists of straight sides and circular bases which are parallel
the distance around the external boundary of something
describing circles, arcs, or rings that have the same center
having a shape that is rounded or bent rather than straight
görbe, ívelt
(of a straight line) joining opposite corners of a flat shape at an angle
átló, átló
a straight line from one side of a round object, particularly a circle, passing through the center and joining the other side
a measure of the height, length, or width of an object in a certain direction
(of a surface) continuing in a straight line with no raised or low parts
lapos, sima
the branch of mathematics that deals with the relation between the lines, angles and surfaces or the properties of the space
connected with the branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between lines, angles and surfaces
positioned across and parallel to the ground and not up or down
vízszintes, horizontális
positioned at a right angle to the horizon or ground, typically moving up or down
függőleges, egyenes
having an equal distance from each other at every point
having a circular shape, often spherical in appearance
kör, kerek
having a shape that winds around a central point or axis
having four even sides and four right angles, forming a shape resembling a regular square
négyzetes, téglalap alakú
being almost similar to a square in shape
majdnem négyzetes, négyzethez hasonló
without bending or curving in any angle or direction
egyenes, irányos
a flat shape or form that exists only on a surface, and has length and width, but no depth or thickness
két dimenziós figura, két dimenziós forma
a geometric shape or form that has length, width, and depth, and occupies physical space
háromdimenziós alak, háromdimenziós figura
(geometry) any of the two-dimensional faces of a three-dimensional figure
felszín, lap
having two sides or halves that correspond to one another in shape or size
rounded in shape but wider in one direction, such as the shape of an egg
in a way that the two sides or halves of something correspond in size or shape
szimmetrikusan, szimmetrikus módon
the study of 2-dimensional figures and their properties on a flat surface
síkg geometria, síkon való geometria
the quality of having two halves that are exactly the same, which are separated by an axis
shaped like a triangle, with three sides and three angles
shaped like a rectangle, with four right angles
téglalap alakú
the shape of someone or something, especially the outline
forma, siluett
the space between two lines or surfaces that are joined, measured in degrees or radians