
Alapvető Szókincs a SAT Vizsgához - Kollokációk

Itt megtudhat néhány hasznos angol kollokációt, mint például a "tartsa ígéretet", "out of tune", "suffer vere" stb., amelyekre szüksége lesz a SAT-ok ászához.









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SAT Exam Essential Vocabulary
to break new ground

to start something new and innovative that sets an example or leads to significant advancements in a particular field or industry

új utat törni

új utat törni

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to pay attention

to concentrate or focus on a particular task or subject

odafigyel valakire vagy valamire

odafigyel valakire vagy valamire

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to make contact

to connect with someone, often by reaching out through various means such as phone calls, emails, or in-person meetings

kapcsolatba lépni valakivel

kapcsolatba lépni valakivel

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to wreak havoc

to cause severe destruction, chaos, or disorder

pusztítást okoz

pusztítást okoz

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to cast doubt on sth

to create uncertainty or skepticism by questioning the truth or validity of something

to call sth into question

to raise doubts about the validity, truthfulness, or reliability of something

megkérdőjelez valamit

megkérdőjelez valamit

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to raise concern

to express or bring attention to worries, doubts, or objections regarding a specific issue, situation, or decision

aggodalmának kifejezése

aggodalmának kifejezése

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naked eye

the human eye unaided by any optical device, used for observing objects and details directly

puszta szem

puszta szem

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to lay the groundwork

to establish the necessary foundation or preparation for a future project, plan, or idea

valaminek alapot teremteni

valaminek alapot teremteni

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to make sense

to be understandable in a way that is reasonable

hogy logikus

hogy logikus

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to pay tribute to sb/sth

to show respect, admiration, or recognition to someone or something

valakit vagy valamit tisztelni vagy csodálni

valakit vagy valamit tisztelni vagy csodálni

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to bring sth to bear

to use something such as power or influence that one has in order to achieve a particular result

hozz valami elviselhetőt

hozz valami elviselhetőt

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out of tune

in a state in which the correct musical sound is not played or sung



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to set sb to work

to assign or instruct someone to start working on a specific task or job

munkára állít valakit

munkára állít valakit

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trial and error

the process of testing a method, an idea, etc. in several ways to achieve the desired outcome

próbálkozások és hibák

próbálkozások és hibák

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to pass judgment

to form and express an opinion or decision about someone or something, often in a critical manner

megítélni valakit

megítélni valakit

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to make a living

to earn an amount of money that enables one to support oneself and pay for one's needs

Pénzt keresni

Pénzt keresni

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to keep track of sb/sth

to ensure that one has the latest news concerning someone or something

valakivel vagy valamivel kapcsolatos legfrissebb híreket

valakivel vagy valamivel kapcsolatos legfrissebb híreket

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scared stiff

extremely frightened to the point of being unable to move or react

halálra rémült

halálra rémült

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to rise above

to stay strong when faced with problems or criticism and ultimately surpass them

legyőzni valamit

legyőzni valamit

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to lay the groundwork

to establish the necessary foundation or preparation for a future project, plan, or idea

valaminek alapot teremteni

valaminek alapot teremteni

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to turn one's attention

to direct one's focus or concentration toward something specific

fordítsa el a figyelmét

fordítsa el a figyelmét

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to hold promise

to have the potential for future success or positive outcomes

tartsd meg az ígéretet

tartsd meg az ígéretet

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to keep afloat

to maintain financial stability or solvency

felszínen marad

felszínen marad

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to lend credence

to give support or credibility to a belief, theory, or statement

hitelt adjon

hitelt adjon

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medium of expression

the form or means through which ideas, emotions, or artistic creativity are conveyed or communicated

kifejezési médium

kifejezési médium

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to reach a conclusion

to come to a decision or judgment after considering evidence, arguments, or facts

következtetésre jutni

következtetésre jutni

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to make strides

to make progress or advance in a significant way

lépéseket tenni

lépéseket tenni

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to garner attention

to attract or receive attention, often by means of effort, achievement, or significance

felhívni a figyelmet

felhívni a figyelmet

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to issue a warning

to formally or officially provide a cautionary notice or advice regarding a potential danger, threat, or undesirable outcome

figyelmeztetést ad ki

figyelmeztetést ad ki

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to raise awareness

to increase knowledge or understanding about a particular issue, cause, or topic

tudatosság növelése

tudatosság növelése

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to reap the benefits

to enjoy the positive outcomes or advantages resulting from one's efforts or actions

élvezni valami pozitív előnyeit

élvezni valami pozitív előnyeit

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to suffer defeat

to experience a loss or failure in a competitive or confrontational situation

vereséget szenvedni

vereséget szenvedni

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to hold sth sacred

to regard something with great respect, honor, or devotion

tarts valami szentet

tarts valami szentet

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to hatch a plan

to devise or create a scheme, often one that is secretive or mischievous

kidolgozni egy tervet

kidolgozni egy tervet

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to see fit

to consider something appropriate or suitable according to one's own judgment

jónak látja

jónak látja

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to raise a question

to bring up a topic or issue for discussion or consideration

kérdést feltenni

kérdést feltenni

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hustle and bustle

a busy, noisy, and active environment or situation



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to build momentum

to gradually increase the strength, force, or speed of an activity or process

lendületet építeni

lendületet építeni

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to be obliged to do sth

to have a moral duty or be forced to do a particular thing, often due to legal reasons

köteles megtenni vmit

köteles megtenni vmit

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to be steeped in

to be filled with a specific quality, flavor, etc.



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to live up to

to fulfill expectations or standards set by oneself or others

teljesítése (ígéret vagy elvárás)

teljesítése (ígéret vagy elvárás)

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to arrive at sth

to reach a decision, understanding, or conclusion after consideration or discussion

to draw blood

to cause injury, harm, or pain in a physical struggle or conflict

vért szívni

vért szívni

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at one's disposal

used to show that something is available for someone to use whenever necessary

az ember rendelkezésére áll

az ember rendelkezésére áll

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to hold in high regard

to have a great amount of respect, admiration, or esteem for someone or something

tartsa nagy becsben

tartsa nagy becsben

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to hold true

to remain valid or accurate over time or in various situations

tartsd igazat

tartsd igazat

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by the same token

used to connect two related statements, showing that the same reasoning or principle applies to both

Ugyanezen az alapon

Ugyanezen az alapon

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as sb pleases

used to indicate that someone is free to do something in whichever way they prefer

ahogy valakinek tetszik

ahogy valakinek tetszik

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to do one's bidding

to carry out someone's orders or commands, often without question or hesitation

tegye meg az ajánlatát

tegye meg az ajánlatát

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to take liberties

to act in a way that is overly familiar or inappropriate without permission or proper authority



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courtesy of

used to indicate that something is provided or made possible by a specific person as a gesture of courtesy or generosity



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