B1 Szintű Szólista - Emberek és életszakaszok
Itt megtudhat néhány angol szót az emberekről és az életszakaszokról, mint például "felnőttkor", "csecsemő", "gyermekkor", stb. B1-es tanulók számára készült.
the period of being an adult, characterized by physical and psychological maturity
felnőttkor, érettség
a period in one's life between puberty and adulthood
serdülőkor, fiatalkor
a young person who is in the process of becoming an adult
serdülő, ifjú
a very young child, typically from birth to around one year old
baba, csecsemő
the period or state of very early childhood
babaévek, korai gyermekkor
the period or time of being a child, characterized by significant physical and emotional growth
gyerekkor, fiatalkor
the period of a male's life before he reaches adulthood
gyermekkori, fiúság
the period of a female individual's life before she reaches adulthood
lánykor, lánygyermek kora
the later stage of life during which a person is considered old
öregkor, időskor
the period during someone's life when they stop working often due to reaching a certain age
the time or period of one's life when they are not young anymore and are not old yet
középkor, közép életkor
the period during which a person is not old enough but is not young either
középkor, élet közepe
the state and quality of being mentally and behaviorally rational and sensible
érettség, felsőbbrendűség
a young child who is starting to learn how to walk
toddler, kisgyerek
a person who is advanced in age, particularly one who qualifies for discounts, services, etc. provided for elderly people
idős, nyugdíjas
intended for or related to young people, particularly in sports
junior, ifjúsági
(used by children or when talking to them) an adult who is fully matured and responsible
felnőtt, nagy ember