Daftar Kata Level B1 - Manusia dan Tahapan Kehidupan
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris tentang orang dan tahapan kehidupan, seperti "masa dewasa", "bayi", "masa kanak-kanak", dll. yang disiapkan untuk pelajar B1.
Kartu flash
the period of being an adult, characterized by physical and psychological maturity

kedewasaan, kematangan

the period or time of being a child, characterized by significant physical and emotional growth

masa kanak, masa muda

the period of a female individual's life before she reaches adulthood

masa kecil perempuan, masa remaja perempuan

the later stage of life during which a person is considered old

usia tua, lanjut usia

the period during someone's life when they stop working often due to reaching a certain age


the time or period of one's life when they are not young anymore and are not old yet

usia paruh baya, usia menengah

the period during which a person is not old enough but is not young either

paruh baya, masa paruh baya

the state and quality of being mentally and behaviorally rational and sensible

kematangan, kedewasaan

a person who is advanced in age, particularly one who qualifies for discounts, services, etc. provided for elderly people

senior, lansia