B2 Szintű Szólista - Formák és színek
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót a formákról és színekről, mint például "meredek", "marron", "ibolya" stb., amelyek a B2-es tanulók számára készültek.
the space between two lines or surfaces that are joined, measured in degrees or radians
the shape of someone or something, especially the outline
forma, siluett
having a shape that is rounded or bent rather than straight
görbe, ívelt
positioned across and parallel to the ground and not up or down
vízszintes, horizontális
positioned at a right angle to the horizon or ground, typically moving up or down
függőleges, egyenes
having an equal distance from each other at every point
a shape that is wide in the middle and narrow at both ends
oval, ovális forma
a solid object with a square base and four triangular sides joined to a point on the top
(geometry) a flat shape with four right angles, especially one with opposing sides that are equal and parallel to each other
téglalap, téglalap alakú
(geometry) a round object that every point on its surface has the same distance from its center
gömb, sphere
(geometry) a flat shape consisting of three straight sides and three angles
to change the color of something using a liquid substance
festeni, színezni
(of colors) having a bright or pale shade or tone
világos színű, világos árnyalatú
having a deep red color, like blood or fresh berries
vérvörös, mélyvörös
(of a shade) ranging from a pale or light brown color to a medium brown
kávé színű, kávé árnyalatú
having a bright yellow color like the lemon fruit
citromsárga, citromszínű
having a very dark blue color like the deep sea
tengerészkék, sötétkék
having a color that is pink, lying between red and magenta on the color spectrum
rózsaszín, rózsaszínű