B2 Szintű Szólista - A tudomány világa
Itt megtanulsz néhány angol szót a tudomány világáról, mint például "biokémia", "biológiai", "baktériumok" stb., amelyek a B2-es tanulók számára készültek.
a field of science that deals with the chemistry of organisms
relating to the science that explores living organisms and their functions
made by humans rather than occurring naturally in nature
mesterséges, hamis
(microbiology) single-celled microorganisms that can be found in various environments, including soil, water, and living organisms, and can be beneficial, harmful, or neutral
baktérium, baktériák
(biology) a series of transformations and events that happen in an animal or plant's lifetime
ciklus, biológiai ciklus
(biochemistry) a chemical substance that carries the genetic information, which is present in every cell and some viruses
DNS, dezoxiribonukleinsav
the branch of biology that deals with how individual features and different characteristics are passed through genes
(biology) to change gradually and over generations into forms that are better adapted to the environment and fitter to survive
evolválni, fejlődni
(chemistry) a substance that its molecules consist of two or more elements that are held together by a chemical bond
vegyület, kémiai anyag
a substance that is composed of only one type of atom, typically characterized by specific physical and chemical properties
elem, anyag
a physical substance that occupies space and exists in every material in the universe
a solid, naturally occurring substance with a specific chemical composition, typically found in the earth's crust, such as gold, copper, etc.
ásvány, ásványok
the smallest structure of a substance consisting of a group of atoms
the temperature at which a liquid starts boiling
forráspont, forráshőmérséklet
the temperature at which liquid becomes solid
fagyáspont, fagyasztási hőmérséklet
the energy transmitted in the form of particles or waves through the space or a matter
(physics) to make a substance radioactive
aktiválni, radioaktívvá tenni
to produce energy, such as heat, electricity, etc.
generálni, előállítani
the manufacture of goods using raw materials, particularly in factories
ipar, ipari ágazat
a field of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and repair of buildings, bridges, roads, etc.
építőmérnöki, polgári mérnöki
a machine or device that detects any changes in the environment and sends the information to other electronic devices
érzékelő, szenzor
the complete circle through which an electric current flows, typically consists of the source of electric energy
elektromos áramkör, kör
(physics) the space or area within which the effect of a particular force exists
mező, terület
a long and thin piece of metal that carries an electric current
drót, kábel
a wire that carries electrical current and has the potential to cause electric shock or injury if touched
feszültség alatt álló vezeték, elektromos vezeték
to carefully check the quality, activity, or changes of something or someone for a period of time
figyelni, ellenőrizni
a machine that converts any form of energy into mechanical energy
motor, gép
the number of times something changes or happens during a specific period of time
ráta, sebesség
the effect of sunlight, wind, or rain, on rocks that makes them change color or appearance
időjárás hatás, erózió
preventing a substance such as liquid from passing through
átjárhatatlan, szigetelő