Buku Total English - Lanjutan - Unit 4 - Pelajaran 3
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 4 - Pelajaran 3 dalam buku kursus Total English Advanced, seperti "kontemporer", "menuntut", "sedang dibuat", dll.
Kartu flash
having a natural talent, intelligence, or ability in a particular area or skill

berbakat, terampil

a person, typically a child, who demonstrates exceptional talent or ability in a particular area, often beyond what is considered normal for their age

jenius, anak jenius

excessive and sometimes insincere praise for someone, often to the point of worship

pujian berlebihan, pujian yang tidak tulus

a person of the same age, social status, or capability as another specified individual

teman sebaya, rekan

a person, animal, or plant that is abnormal or unusual in appearance or behavior, often considered a curiosity or an oddity

freak, anoma

different from what is usual or expected, often indicating an irregularity

tidak normal, abnormal