
Pengetahuan dan Kebijaksanaan - Kebenaran & Wahyu

Jelajahi peribahasa bahasa Inggris yang menggambarkan kebenaran dan wahyu, termasuk "darah akan keluar" dan "fakta adalah hal yang keras kepala".




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Knowledge & Wisdom
blood will out

used to suggests that a person's true character or nature will eventually be exposed, despite any attempts to conceal it

darah akan keluar

darah akan keluar

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blood will tell

used to imply that a person's natural abilities, talents, or character traits are inherited from their family or ancestry, and will become apparent in their behavior, actions, or achievements

darah akan memberitahukannya

darah akan memberitahukannya

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drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals

used to imply that when people are drunk, they are more likely to reveal their true personalities, emotions, and thoughts that they might otherwise keep hidden when sober

mabuk mengungkapkan apa yang disembunyikan oleh ketenangan

mabuk mengungkapkan apa yang disembunyikan oleh ketenangan

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eyes are the windows of the soul

used to suggest that a person's eyes can reveal their true emotions, feelings, or character, as they are a reflection of their innermost thoughts and emotions

mata adalah jendela jiwa

mata adalah jendela jiwa

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the facts speak for themselves

used to imply that the truth is self-evident and can be easily understood by examining the available evidence

fakta berbicara sendiri

fakta berbicara sendiri

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reality is (often) disappointing

used to suggest that the outcome of a situation can be different or less desirable than what one expected or hoped for

kenyataan seringkali mengecewakan

kenyataan seringkali mengecewakan

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there is truth in wine

used to imply that people are more likely to speak their true thoughts and feelings when they are under the influence of alcohol

ada kebenaran dalam anggur

ada kebenaran dalam anggur

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the truth will out

used to emphasize that the truth will eventually be revealed or discovered, no matter how hard someone tries to conceal it or keep it a secret

kebenaran akan terungkap

kebenaran akan terungkap

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facts are stubborn things

used to emphasize the idea that truth is objective and unchanging, and it cannot be altered or denied, even if people try to distort or manipulate it

fakta adalah hal yang keras kepala

fakta adalah hal yang keras kepala

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the darkest place is under the candlestick

used to imply that sometimes the things that are closest to us or most obvious are the things that we overlook or take for granted

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