Pelatihan Umum IELTS (Band 6-7) - Family
Di sini, Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris terkait Keluarga yang diperlukan untuk ujian General Training IELTS.
Kartu flash
a person who takes someone else's child and raises them without legally becoming their parent

orangtua asuh, pengasuh anak

a child placed in the temporary care of someone other than their biological or adoptive parents

anak asuh, anak angkat

a blood relative who lived a long time ago, usually before one's grandparents

nenek moyang, leluhur

someone who shares the same blood with a specific person who lived many years ago

keturunan, Warisan

a chart, showing the relationship between all the members of a family over a long period of time

pohon keluarga, pohon silsilah

all the people living in a house together, considered as a social unit

rumah tangga, keluarga

the act or fact of taking someone's child and growing them up, which has been approved by law
