
Perseveranza - Persistenza

Impara i proverbi inglesi sulla perseveranza, come "many a little make a mickle" e "fair and softly goes far far in a day".







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little drops make the (mighty) ocean

used to emphasize that small actions or contributions can lead to significant results over time

piccole gocce formano il possente oceano

piccole gocce formano il possente oceano

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many a little makes a mickle

used to suggest that even small or seemingly insignificant contributions or actions can add up over time and make a significant difference

molti un po' fanno un migliaio

molti un po' fanno un migliaio

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a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

used to imply that even the most daunting tasks can be accomplished by taking small steps towards the goal, starting with a single action or decision

un viaggio di mille miglia inizia con un solo passo

un viaggio di mille miglia inizia con un solo passo

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a stern chase is a long chase

used to suggest that one needs to be persistent and determined to achieve what one wants, especially when starting from a disadvantaged position

un inseguimento severo è un lungo inseguimento

un inseguimento severo è un lungo inseguimento

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after victory, tighten your helmet chord

used to advise one to stay focused and prepared even after achieving success, as new challenges and obstacles may arise

dopo la vittoria, stringi la corda dell'elmo

dopo la vittoria, stringi la corda dell'elmo

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constant dropping wears away a stone

used to imply that persistent and continuous effort, no matter how small, can eventually lead to significant change or achievement

fair and softly goes far in a day

used to highlight the idea that consistent and steady progress can lead to significant accomplishments over time

giusto e dolcemente va lontano in un giorno

giusto e dolcemente va lontano in un giorno

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fake it till you (finally) make it

used to suggest that by pretending to possess desired qualities or abilities, one can eventually develop those qualities or abilities for real

fingi finché non ce la fai finalmente

fingi finché non ce la fai finalmente

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genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains

used to emphasize that true genius is not solely dependent on natural talent, but also on the ability to consistently put in effort and hard work to achieve excellence

il genio è una capacità infinita di faticare

il genio è una capacità infinita di faticare

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if at first you do not succeed, try, try again

used to encourage individuals to continue trying even after experiencing failure or setbacks, with the belief that persistence and resilience are key to achieving success

let the bastards get sb down

used to imply that someone is allowing negative or critical people to repeatedly discourage or upset them, leading to a sense of defeat or hopelessness

lascia che i bastardi buttino giù qualcuno

lascia che i bastardi buttino giù qualcuno

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seek and you shall find

used to imply that by actively searching for something, one can eventually discover what they are looking for, emphasizing the importance of being persistent and proactive in pursuing one's goals or desires

cerca e troverai

cerca e troverai

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slow and steady wins the race

used to imply that consistent and persistent effort, even if it appears slow, is more likely to lead to success in a sustainable and efficient way

chi va piano va sano e va lontano

chi va piano va sano e va lontano

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the third time pays for all

used to encourage individuals to not give up after initial failures, and to keep trying until they achieve success

la terza volta paga tutto

la terza volta paga tutto

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the used key is always bright

said to suggest that through frequent use, something, such as a skill or object, can remain in good condition and work effectively for a long time

la chiave utilizzata è sempre luminosa

la chiave utilizzata è sempre luminosa

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use it or lose it

used to imply that if something is not used or practiced, it will be forgotten or taken away

se non lo usi, perderai

se non lo usi, perderai

custom makes all things easy

used to suggest that when we develop a habit or routine of doing something repeatedly, it becomes easier and more effortless over time

dogs bark, but the caravan goes on

used to imply that one should not be discouraged by negative influences or setbacks and should remain focused on their goals and continue to move forward

i cani abbaiano, ma la carovana prosegue

i cani abbaiano, ma la carovana prosegue

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little strokes fell great oaks

used to emphasize the idea that small, continuous actions or efforts can eventually lead to significant achievements or outcomes

Con piccoli colpi si abbattono grandi querce

Con piccoli colpi si abbattono grandi querce

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practice makes perfect

used to imply that regular and persistent practice of a skill or activity is necessary in order to become proficient or skilled at it

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