feeling disappointed and sad, especially due to experiencing an unexpected failure

落胆した, 悲しんでいる

showing no restraint in expressing one's feelings, particularly of love

感情豊かな, 表現的な

lacking seriousness and respect on a serious matter in an attempt to appear humorous or clever

軽薄な, 不真面目な

having an unpleasantly proud and arrogant demeanor, displaying a demand for obedience

高圧的な, 傲慢な

stubborn and unwilling to change one's behaviors, opinions, views, etc. despite other people's reasoning and persuasion

頑固な, 強情な

failing to respect boundaries, doing something despite having no right in doing so

生意気な, 出しゃばりな

trying to avoid drawing attention toward one's abilities or oneself, especially due to modesty

控えめな, 謙虚な

the usage of abusive, insulting, and rude language when one is extremely angry

侮辱的言辞, 悪口

to reveal something, such as thoughts, feelings, qualities, etc. unintentionally

裏切る, 暴露する