Pokročilá Slovní Zásoba pro GRE - Vlastnosti a chování
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova o vlastnostech a chování, jako je „auspicious“, „pristine“, „hubris“ atd., která jsou potřebná pro zkoušku GRE.
having contradictory views or feelings about something or someone

ambivalentní, dvojznačný

indicating that something is very likely to succeed in the future

příznivý, šťastný

feeling disappointed and sad, especially due to experiencing an unexpected failure

přešlý, skleslý

showing no restraint in expressing one's feelings, particularly of love

demonstrativní, výrazný

having great taste and the ability to judge something's quality

rozlišující, náročný

excited and happy because something has happened or is going to happen

nadšený, veselejší

relating to something that is created artificially instead of naturally

fiktivní, umělý

lacking seriousness and respect on a serious matter in an attempt to appear humorous or clever

dokumentální, neúctivý

having an unpleasantly proud and arrogant demeanor, displaying a demand for obedience

panovačný, arogantní

stubborn and unwilling to change one's behaviors, opinions, views, etc. despite other people's reasoning and persuasion

neústupný, tvrdohlavý

relating to someone or something that is untrustworthy and disloyal

perfídní, zrádný

failing to respect boundaries, doing something despite having no right in doing so

předpokládavý, domýšlivý

having kept its original state, being clean and in great condition

neporušený, čistý

taking place every day and thus considered as an ordinary occurrence

každodenní, denní

feeling or displaying a great amount of admiration and respect

úctyhodný, uctivý

trying to avoid drawing attention toward one's abilities or oneself, especially due to modesty

skromný, umenšující se

occurring from time to time, in an irregular manner

sporadický, příležitostný

taking something or someone's place or position by coming after them

následující, nástupní

expressing something in a forceful, effective, and clear manner

pronikavý, ostrý

something that is different from what is expected and normal

aberrace, odchylka

words or actions that lack meaning, sense, or importance

prázdnost, bezvýznamnost

the usage of abusive, insulting, and rude language when one is extremely angry

invectiva, nadávka

an individual who thinks and behaves differently and independently

nekomformista, samorost

someone or something regarded as the perfect or ideal model of excellence

paragon, příklad dokonalosti

to reveal something, such as thoughts, feelings, qualities, etc. unintentionally

zradit, odhalit