本 English Result - 中上級 - ユニット10 - 10C
ここでは、「窒息する」、「腫れる」、「火傷する」など、英語結果上級中級コースブックのユニット 10 ~ 10C の語彙を見つけることができます。
(of a part of the body) unusually large, particularly because of an injury or illness
腫れた, 膨れた
(of a thing) physically divided into pieces, because of being damaged, dropped, etc.
壊れた, 破損した
a sea creature that has a bell-shaped body, which is gelatinous and transparent, long thin tentacles and a poisonous sting
(of an animal or insect) to pierce the skin of another animal or a human, typically injecting poison, either in self-defense or while preying
刺す, 毒を注入する
(of body parts) having a discolored mark due to broken blood vessels, typically caused by an injury or pressure
打撲した, 青あざ
to provide medical care such as medicine or therapy to heal injuries, illnesses, or wounds and make someone better
治療する, 手当てする
to struggle for breathing due to the lack or reduced amount of oxygen
窒息する, 息苦しくなる
to suddenly lose consciousness from a lack of oxygen in the brain, which is caused by a shock, etc.
気絶する, 失神する
a small medical dressing that one can stick over a wound or cut in order to keep it clean and protect it
バンドエイド, 絆創膏
a loop, thread, etc. that physicians use in order to sew the edges of a wound together
縫合, 縫い目
to not be able to speak clearly and normally due to experiencing very strong emotions
窒息する, 詰まる