quick to understand and judge people, things, and situations accurately

洞察力のある, 鋭敏な

the skill to understand and handle complex situations with clear understanding and cleverness

洞察力, 明敏

(psychology) a person who is preoccupied with their own thoughts and feelings rather than the external world

内向的, 内向的な女性

to validate
to confirm or prove the accuracy, authencity, or effectiveness of something

検証する, 確認する

to ameliorate
to make something, particularly something unpleasant or unsatisfactory, better or more bearable

改善する, 和らげる

to disfigure
to seriously damage the way something looks, especially a person's body or face

醜くする, 変形させる

someone who follows a practical approach to problem-solving and is primarily concerned with the effectiveness and outcomes of their actions

実利主義者, プラグマティスト

