本 Face2face - 中級 - ユニット9 - 9C
ここでは、Face2Face 中級コースブックのユニット 9 ~ 9C の「反応」、「震え」、「にもかかわらず」などの語彙を見つけることができます。
a physical or emotional reaction that happens as a result of a a specific situation, event, or experience
反応, 応答
to have tears coming from your eyes as a result of a strong emotion such as sadness, pain, or sorrow
泣く, 泣き叫ぶ
to make happy sounds and move our face like we are smiling because something is funny
笑う, 笑い声を上げる
to make our mouth curve upwards, often in a way that our teeth can be seen, to show that we are happy or amused
to unexpectedly open one's mouth wide and deeply breathe in because of being bored or tired
あくびをする, 口を開ける
to raise one's hand and move it from side to side to greet someone or attract their attention
手を振る, 手を挙げる
to move slowly with the body near the ground or on the hands and knees
這う, ハイハイする
to bring your eyebrows closer together showing anger, sadness, or confusion
眉をひそめる, しかめっ面する
used to show that something happened or is true, even though there was a difficulty or obstacle that might have prevented it
にもかかわらず, それでも