本 Interchange - 中上級 - ユニット 4 - パート 1
ここでは、Interchange 上級中級コースブックのユニット 4 - パート 1 の「怪しい」、「勝利」、「剥奪」などの語彙を見つけることができます。
doubtful about the honesty of what someone has done and having no trust in them

疑わしい, 不審な

the use of creativity and imagination to express emotions and ideas by making things like paintings, sculptures, music, etc.

芸術, アート

knowledge about the structure and behavior of the natural and physical world, especially based on testing and proving facts


to be the first person who finds something or someplace that others did not know about

発見する, 見つける

to close or secure something in a place where it cannot be removed or accessed without the appropriate authorization, key, or combination

ロックする, 閉じ込める

a situation in which two things happen simultaneously by chance that is considered unusual


a situation that is difficult because a choice must be made between two or more options that are equally important


a sudden and unfortunate event that causes a great amount of death and destruction

災害, 惨事

an unexpected and usually dangerous situation needing immediate attention or action

緊急, 非常事態

something that is hard to explain or understand, often involving a puzzling event or situation with an unknown explanation

神秘, 謎

the action or process of causing significant damage to something, rendering it unable to exist or continue in its normal state

破壊, 壊滅

an unexpected and unpleasant event that happens by chance, usually causing damage or injury

事故, 偶然

to need or demand something as necessary for a particular purpose or situation

必要とする, 要求する

(of two or more things) having qualities in common that are not exactly the same

類似の, 似ている