本 Total English - 中上級 - ユニット 6 - リファレンス
ここでは、Total English 上級中級コースブックの Unit 6 - Reference にある「あいまい」、「懐かしい」、「不安」などの語彙が見つかります。
(of something) bringing back fond memories of the past, often with a sense of longing or affection


easy to remember or worth remembering, particularly because of being different or special

記憶に残る, 忘れがたい

something that we usually buy and bring back for other people from a place that we have visited on vacation

お土産, 記念品

relating to or aiding the memory, often by using memory-enhancing techniques or devices

助記的な, 記憶に関連する

to remember past events, experiences, or memories with a sense of nostalgia

思い出す, 追想する

to make a person remember an obligation, task, etc. so that they do not forget to do it

思い出させる, 再確認させる

(of hair) having a slight curl or wave to it, creating a soft and gentle appearance

波状の, カールした

(particularly of a child or young adult) slightly overweight in a way that is considered cute or charming rather than unhealthy or unattractive

ぽっちゃりした, ふっくらした

(especially of a man) having a short but quite solid figure with thick muscles

ずんぐりした, がっしりした

weighing more than what is considered healthy or desirable for one's body size and build

過体重, オーバーウェイト

(of people or animals) weighing much more than what is thought to be healthy for their body

太った, 肥満の

feeling uncertain or not confident about something because it is not clear or easy to understand

混乱した, 困惑した

doubtful about the honesty of what someone has done and having no trust in them

疑わしい, 不審な

feeling nervous or worried, especially about something unpleasant that might happen soon

不安な, 気まずい

feeling free from worry, stress, or anxiety after a challenging or difficult situation

安心した, ほっとした

used to refer to an individual with a positive intention to do good things and help other people
a person who claims to know everything about a particular topic or in general, often in a way that is arrogant, irritating, or condescending to others

何でも知っている人, 知ったかぶり

someone who is likely to succeed because of their ambitiousness or capabilities, particularly in their career or education

昇進志向の人, 成功者