
本 Interchange - 初級 - ユニット 14 - パート 2

ここでは、「ocean」、「read」、「worst」など、Interchange Beginner コースブックの Unit 14 - Part 2 の語彙を見つけることができます。









Interchange - Beginner
to leave

to go away from somewhere

去る, 離れる

去る, 離れる

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to lose

to be deprived of or stop having someone or something

失う, なくす

失う, なくす

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to make

to form, produce, or prepare something, by putting parts together or by combining materials

作る, 製造する

作る, 製造する

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to meet

to come together as previously scheduled for social interaction or a prearranged purpose

会う, 出会う

会う, 出会う

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to pay

to give someone money in exchange for goods or services

支払う, 決済する

支払う, 決済する

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to put

to move something or someone from one place or position to another

置く, 設置する

置く, 設置する

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to read

to look at written or printed words or symbols and understand their meaning



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to ride

to sit on open-spaced vehicles like motorcycles or bicycles and be in control of their movements

乗る, 自転車に乗る

乗る, 自転車に乗る

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to run

to move using our legs, faster than we usually walk, in a way that both feet are never on the ground at the same time

走る, 急ぐ

走る, 急ぐ

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to say

to use words and our voice to show what we are thinking or feeling

言う, 表現する

言う, 表現する

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to see

to notice a thing or person with our eyes

見る, 気づく

見る, 気づく

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to sell

to give something to someone in exchange for money

売る, 販売する

売る, 販売する

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to send

to have a person, letter, or package physically delivered from one location to another, specifically by mail

送る, 発送する

送る, 発送する

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to sing

to use our voice in order to produce musical sounds in the form of a tune or song



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to sit

to put our bottom on something like a chair or the ground while keeping our back straight

座る, 座っている

座る, 座っている

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to sleep

to rest our mind and body, with our eyes closed

眠る, 寝る

眠る, 寝る

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to speak

to use one's voice to express a particular feeling or thought

話す, 表現する

話す, 表現する

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to spend

to use money as a payment for services, goods, etc.

使う, 支出する

使う, 支出する

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to stand

to be upright on one's feet

立つ, 直立する

立つ, 直立する

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to swim

to move through water by moving parts of the body, typically arms and legs

泳ぐ, 水泳する

泳ぐ, 水泳する

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to take

to reach for something and hold it

取る, つかむ

取る, つかむ

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to teach

to give lessons to students in a university, college, school, etc.

教える, 指導する

教える, 指導する

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to think

to have a type of belief or idea about a person or thing

考える, 信じる

考える, 信じる

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to try

to make an effort or attempt to do or have something

試みる, やってみる

試みる, やってみる

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to wear

to have something such as clothes, shoes, etc. on your body

着る, 身に着ける

着る, 身に着ける

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to win

to become the most successful, the luckiest, or the best in a game, race, fight, etc.

勝つ, 勝利する

勝つ, 勝利する

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to write

to make letters, words, or numbers on a surface, usually on a piece of paper, with a pen or pencil

書く, 記入する

書く, 記入する

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the ocean

the great mass of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface



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to climb

to go upwards toward the top of a mountain or rock for sport

登る, クライミングする

登る, クライミングする

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a structure built over a river, road, etc. that enables people or vehicles to go from one side to the other


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the least desirable or most unfavorable condition, quality, or characteristic of something

最悪の, 悪最悪

最悪の, 悪最悪

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a ceremony or event where two people are married

結婚式, ウェディング

結婚式, ウェディング

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with little or no noise

静かな, 静寂な

静かな, 静寂な

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a large road vehicle used for carrying goods

トラック, 大型車両

トラック, 大型車両

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an activity where a person is attached to a parachute and towed behind a boat, allowing them to fly in the air and enjoy a view of the surroundings from above

パラセーリング, パラシュート遊び

パラセーリング, パラシュート遊び

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extremely surprising, particularly in a good way

素晴らしい, 驚くべき

素晴らしい, 驚くべき

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a person who teaches a practical skill or sport to someone

インストラクター, 教官

インストラクター, 教官

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in, at, or to a higher position

上に, 上方に

上に, 上方に

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making us feel fear

怖い, 脅かすような

怖い, 脅かすような

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making us feel interested, happy, and energetic

興奮させる, わくわくさせる

興奮させる, わくわくさせる

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a task, especially a household one, that is done regularly

仕事, 家事

仕事, 家事

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extremely good and amazing

素晴らしい, すごい

素晴らしい, すごい

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