used to introduce the last event or item in a series of related things
ついに, 最後に
after or at the end of a series of events or an extended period
最終的に, 結局
after doing or considering everything
結局, 最終的に
in the end or after a lot of waiting
ついに, とうとう
in a way that provides a final and decisive resolution or answer
決定的に, 明確に
in a way that is absolute and without requirements
無条件で, 絶対的に
in a new and recently created state
in a fair and even manner, without favoring one over the other
等しく, 公平に
without anyone's help, solely relying on one's own efforts
単独で, 独力で
in a clear and determined manner
決定的に, 明確で決然と
in a way that cannot be changed or undone
in a way that can be changed or returned to its previous state
可逆的に, 逆にすることができる方法で
in a way that cannot be changed back or undone
元に戻せないほど, 取り返しのつかないほど
in a manner that almost does not exist or occur
ほとんど, かろうじて
in an incomplete or limited manner
部分的に, 不完全に
in a highly probable or inevitable manner
必然的に, 必ず