GRE을 위한 고급 어휘 - 특성 및 성향
여기서는 "doleful", "extant", "naive" 등 GRE 시험에 필요한 특성과 성향에 관한 영어 단어를 학습합니다.
having an inclusive nature, characterized by openness and acceptance toward different viewpoints or aspects of human experience

가톨릭의, 보편적인

useful to each other or enhancing each other's qualities when brought together

보완적인, 상호 보완적인

believing things easily even without much evidence that leads to being easy to deceive

잘 속는, 믿기 쉬운

lacking proper consideration and foresight, especially when it comes to savings and money

무계획한, 사려 깊지 않은

(of beliefs, behaviors, habits, etc.) existing for so long and so deeply rooted that has made changing very difficult

뿌리 박힌, 깊이 자리 잡은

treating someone in a seemingly friendly manner but in reality treating them as if they are below one in importance and intelligence

거만한, 경시하는

attempting to appear intelligent, important, or something that one is not, so as to impress others

허세부리는, 과시하는

impatient to move or progress, especially due to confinement or obstruction from desired movement

안절부절못하는, 가만히 있지 못하는

tending to be reserved and untalkative, in a way that makes one seem unfriendly

과묵한, 말이 없는

to speak or behave aggressively toward someone and try to force them into doing something

협박하다, 위협하다