Zaawansowane Słownictwo do GRE - Charakterystyka i usposobienie
Tutaj nauczysz się kilku angielskich słów dotyczących cech i usposobienia, takich jak „doleful”, „extant”, „naive” itp., które są potrzebne do egzaminu GRE.
behaving in a mean and disrespectful manner with no concern for others

ścierny, chamski

having more than one possible meaning or interpretation

niejednoznaczny, dwuznaczny

having an inclusive nature, characterized by openness and acceptance toward different viewpoints or aspects of human experience

katolicki, uniwersalny

useful to each other or enhancing each other's qualities when brought together

komplementarny, uzupełniający

believing things easily even without much evidence that leads to being easy to deceive

naiwny, łatwowierny

showing a polite, dignified, and appropriate manner of behaving

przyzwoity, grzeczny

behaving in a manner that is considered strange and unconventional

ekstrawagancki, dziwaczny

having a position or quality that is noticeably great and respected

wybitny, szanowany

talking a great deal, particularly about trivial things

gadatliwy, mówiący dużo

lacking proper consideration and foresight, especially when it comes to savings and money

lekkomyślny, bezmyślny

(of beliefs, behaviors, habits, etc.) existing for so long and so deeply rooted that has made changing very difficult

zakorzeniony, głęboko zakorzeniony

treating someone in a seemingly friendly manner but in reality treating them as if they are below one in importance and intelligence

paternalistyczny, szyderczy

attempting to appear intelligent, important, or something that one is not, so as to impress others

pretensjonalny, pretensjonalna

impatient to move or progress, especially due to confinement or obstruction from desired movement

niespokojny, nerwowy

tending to be reserved and untalkative, in a way that makes one seem unfriendly

milczący, małomówny

having the ability to stay composed and calm in difficult circumstances

niewzruszony, spokojny

generously giving something such as help, money, time, praise, etc.

hojny, wspaniałomyślny

to react in an angry, aggressive, or defensive manner

zdenerwować się, wzburzyć się

to insult or make fun of someone as if they are stupid or worthless

szydzić, kpić

to speak or behave aggressively toward someone and try to force them into doing something

nękać, zastraszać

something that deviates from what is considered normal, expected, or standard


the quality of showing loyalty and faithfulness to someone or something

wierność, lojalność

the way of behaving that is considered to be morally and socially correct and acceptable

przyzwoitość, nienaganność