가장 흔한 500개의 영어 동사 - 상위 351 - 375 동사
여기에는 "drag", "pour" 및 "limit"와 같은 영어에서 가장 일반적인 동사 목록 중 15부가 제공됩니다.
to put someone or something in a position in which they are vulnerable or are at risk
노출시키다, 위험에 처하게 하다
to cover a surface or object with a colored liquid, usually for decoration
칠하다, 페인팅하다
to keep something in a particular place for later use, typically in a systematic or organized manner
보관하다, 저장하다
to say or show one's unwillingness to do something that someone has asked
거부하다, 거절하다
to attach something to a higher point so that it is supported from above and can swing freely
걸다, 매달다
to speak to God or a deity, often to ask for help, express gratitude, or show devotion
기도하다, 빌다
to make something more useful or modern by adding the most recent information to it, improving its faults, or making new features available for it
업데이트하다, 개선하다
to develop from a simple form to a more complex or sophisticated one over an extended period
진화하다, 발전하다
(of something in solid form) to turn into liquid form by being subjected to heat
녹다, 녹이다
to make the necessary arrangements for an event or activity to take place
조직하다, 계획하다
to interest and draw someone or something toward oneself through specific features or qualities
끌어당기다, 매혹시키다
to show or say that something is the case, particularly by providing proof
확인하다, 검증하다