
부와 성공 - 장점 및 이점

"주고 받는 것은 공정한 플레이이다", "모든 것은 그물에 들어오는 물고기다"와 같은 장점과 혜택에 관한 영어 속담에 빠져보세요.







학습 시작
Wealth & Success
all is grist that comes to the mill

used to emphasize the importance of resourcefulness and open-mindedness, as everything can be useful in some way

모든 것은 공장에 오는 곡물이다

모든 것은 공장에 오는 곡물이다

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all is fish that comes to the net

used to suggest that one should make the best of any opportunity or situation that presents itself, regardless of whether it is desirable or not, as there is value to be found in everything

모든 것은 그물에 오는 물고기이다

모든 것은 그물에 오는 물고기이다

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everyone speaks well of the bridge which carries him over

used to suggest that individuals often hold a favorable view of something or someone that has directly benefited them

모두가 그를 데려가는 다리에 대해 좋게 이야기합니다.

모두가 그를 데려가는 다리에 대해 좋게 이야기합니다.

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give and take is fair play

used to imply that a fair exchange involves giving something in return for what one receives, emphasizing the importance of reciprocity and balance in relationships

주고받는 것이 공정한 플레이입니다

주고받는 것이 공정한 플레이입니다

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to the victor go the spoils

used to suggest that the winner of a conflict or competition is entitled to the rewards or benefits of their victory

승자에게 전리품을 가져가라

승자에게 전리품을 가져가라

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a fair exchange is no robbery

used to imply that a fair deal or exchange should be mutually beneficial and satisfactory to both parties, without any unfair or dishonest practices

let every man praise the bridge he goes over

used to imply that one should appreciate and not criticize the things or people that have helped them in the past, even if they may not be ideal for others

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