
일상 생활 - 자연

"자연은 진공을 싫어한다", "4월 소나기가 5월 꽃을 가져온다" 등 자연과 관련된 영어 속담을 살펴보세요.







학습 시작
Daily Life
nature abhors a vacuum

used to suggest that empty or unoccupied spaces tend to be filled quickly by other things or forces

자연은 진공을 싫어한다

자연은 진공을 싫어한다

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a dry March, a wet April and a cool May fill barn and cellar and bring much hay

used to suggest that a lack of rain in March, abundant rain in April, and cooler temperatures in May, are beneficial for agriculture, leading to a bountiful harvest

건조한 3월, 습한 4월, 시원한 5월에는 헛간과 지하실이 가득 차고 건초가 많이 나옵니다.

건조한 3월, 습한 4월, 시원한 5월에는 헛간과 지하실이 가득 차고 건초가 많이 나옵니다.

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not cast a clout until May be out

used to warn against discarding warm or heavy clothing until the end of May, as the weather can still be unpredictable and cold during the early spring months

5월이 나올 때까지 영향력을 행사하지 마세요

5월이 나올 때까지 영향력을 행사하지 마세요

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If in February there be no rain, it is neither good for hey nor grain

used to highlight the importance of weather conditions during the early part of the year for agricultural purposes

as the day lengthens, so the cold strengthens

used to suggest that as winter continues and the days become shorter, the weather becomes colder and more severe, and people should prepare accordingly

April showers bring May flowers

used to imply that that the rainy days of April contribute to the growth and blooming of flowers in May

4월의 소나기가 5월의 꽃을 가져온다

4월의 소나기가 5월의 꽃을 가져온다

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