زندگی روزمره - طبیعت
ضرب المثل های انگلیسی در مورد طبیعت، از جمله "طبیعت از خلاء متنفر است" و "دوش های آوریل گل های ماه می آورد" را کاوش کنید.
used to suggest that empty or unoccupied spaces tend to be filled quickly by other things or forces
طبیعت از خلاء بیزار است
used to suggest that a lack of rain in March, abundant rain in April, and cooler temperatures in May, are beneficial for agriculture, leading to a bountiful harvest
یک مارس خشک، یک آوریل مرطوب و یک ماه مه خنک انبار و انبار را پر می کند و یونجه زیادی می آورد
used to warn against discarding warm or heavy clothing until the end of May, as the weather can still be unpredictable and cold during the early spring months
تا زمانی که ممکن است از بین برود، تأثیری نخواهد داشت
used to highlight the importance of weather conditions during the early part of the year for agricultural purposes
used to suggest that as winter continues and the days become shorter, the weather becomes colder and more severe, and people should prepare accordingly
used to imply that that the rainy days of April contribute to the growth and blooming of flowers in May
بارش های ماه آوریل گل های اردیبهشت را به ارمغان می آورند