ACT 시험 문해력 - 의견
여기서는 "숭고", "공평", "합의" 등과 같은 의견과 관련된 영어 단어를 배우게 되며, 이는 ACT를 잘하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
one's personal level of confidence, enthusiasm, and emotional well-being, especially in the context of facing challenges or adversity

사기, 정신

the act of inflicting physical punishment as a means of discipline or correction

징계, 훈계

a person who habitually expresses negative or pessimistic views, especially in opposition to new ideas or proposals

반대자, 냉소가

the way in which something is perceived or received by others, often referring to the response or reaction to an idea, message, or product

접수, 수용

a pre-established opinion that is formed before obtaining proper knowledge or experience

선입견, 사전 견해

an opinion or feeling that one has about someone or something, particularly one formed unconsciously

인상, 느낌

a person who criticizes or belittles the value or importance of someone or something

비방자, 비판자

showing that one actively dislikes or disagrees with something or someone

적대적인, 반대하는

showing or giving advantage, favor, or priority to someone or something over others

우대하는, 특혜의

not favoring a particular party in a way that enables one to act or decide fairly

편견 없는, 중립적인

to draw a logical inference or outcome based on established premises or evidence

결론짓다, 추론하다