an opinion or decision that is formed based on one's belief or circumstances
立場, 視点
one's personal level of confidence, enthusiasm, and emotional well-being, especially in the context of facing challenges or adversity
士気, モラル
a situation in which all those involved are in complete agreement on something
満場一致, 一致
the act of inflicting physical punishment as a means of discipline or correction
懲罰, 戒め
a person who habitually expresses negative or pessimistic views, especially in opposition to new ideas or proposals
反対者, 否定的な人
a unique approach or perspective that is centered around a particular opinion
アプローチ, 視点
the way in which something is perceived or received by others, often referring to the response or reaction to an idea, message, or product
受容, 受け入れ
someone who acts against popular opinion, particularly in investment markets
反対者, 逆張り
a pre-established opinion that is formed before obtaining proper knowledge or experience
先入観, 固定観念
an opinion or feeling that one has about someone or something, particularly one formed unconsciously
印象, 感情
a person who criticizes or belittles the value or importance of someone or something
批判者, detractor
showing that one actively dislikes or disagrees with something or someone
対抗的な, 敵対的な
showing or giving advantage, favor, or priority to someone or something over others
優遇の, 特権的な
not favoring a particular party in a way that enables one to act or decide fairly
公平な, 中立の
not having favoritism or prejudice towards any particular side or viewpoint
偏りのない, 中立的な
to express agreement with a particular opinion, statement, action, etc.
同意する, 一致する
to draw a logical inference or outcome based on established premises or evidence
結論を出す, 結ぶ
to admire someone excessively, often regarding it as an ideal or perfect figure
アイドル視する, 理想化する