Uiterlijk - Uiterlijk beschrijven
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met het beschrijven van uiterlijkheden zoals "slordig", "verzorgd" en "shabby".
very attentive and paying close attention to small or specific aspects of a task or situation

nauwkeurig, zorgvuldig

(of people or clothes) looking neat, tidy, and elegantly fashionable

stijlvol, netjes

neat and conventional appearance, hairstyle, or behavior

netjes, ordelijk

(typically of a man) stylish and neat in appearance, often characterized by well-groomed attire and attention to detail

stijlvol, netjes

well-cared for, tidy, and well-maintained in appearance or behavior

netjes, verzorgd

disheveled, unkempt, or provocative appearance that is perceived as distasteful or inappropriate

slordig, provocerend

having an appearance that is untidy, dirty, or worn out

slordig, gekleed

lacking of cleanliness and neatness, often implying a disregard for personal hygiene or grooming

slordig, rommelig

describing an appearance that has been affected by the wind, often implying a slightly disheveled yet attractive look

winderig, door de wind aangetast