Vzhled - Popis vzhledu
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s popisem vzhledu, jako je „rozcuchaný“, „upravený“ a „ošumělý“.
very attentive and paying close attention to small or specific aspects of a task or situation

pečlivý, náročný

(of people or clothes) looking neat, tidy, and elegantly fashionable

elegantní, úhledný

neat and conventional appearance, hairstyle, or behavior

upravený, neformální

(typically of a man) stylish and neat in appearance, often characterized by well-groomed attire and attention to detail

elegantní, upravený

well-cared for, tidy, and well-maintained in appearance or behavior

upravený, pečlivě udržovaný

disheveled, unkempt, or provocative appearance that is perceived as distasteful or inappropriate

neuhlazený, provokativní

lacking of cleanliness and neatness, often implying a disregard for personal hygiene or grooming

nedbalý, zanedbaný

describing an appearance that has been affected by the wind, often implying a slightly disheveled yet attractive look

povětrnostní, větrný