Academisch IELTS (Band 8 en Hoger) - Arts
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met kunst en die nodig zijn voor het Academisch IELTS-examen.
a payment made to the author or creator of a work for each copy of the work that is sold

royalty, auteursrechtvergoeding

a work of art that is placed above or behind an altar

altaarstuk, altaartafel

a sculpture representing someone's head, shoulders, and chest

buste, bustbeeld

the art or process of cutting or carving designs or writings on a metal surface using an acid or a laser beam

ets, etser

a painting technique in which paint is applied so thickly to the canvas or panel that the brush strokes are visible

impasto, impastotechniek

an art technique using tiny dots of color to create an image


a picture that is made up of different images put together

fotomontage, beeldmontage

the activity of reproducing designs or pictures by pressing a raised surface covered in ink against paper

drukkunst, grafische kunst

the process or art of making objects out of clay that are heated to become resistant

keramiek, keramieken

a technique of mural painting that is done by putting watercolor on wet plaster on a wall or ceiling


the art of producing beautiful handwriting using special writing instruments such as a dip or brush pen


a type of printing process that uses a flat stone or metal plate with a design etched into it to transfer ink to paper


a European style of art in the late 16th century characterized by hyper-idealization and distorted human forms

maniërisme, maniërisme stijl

an ornate and grand style of art, music, and architecture present in the 17th and early 18th centuries in Europe


a style of art, literature, music, or architecture that imitates the style practiced in ancient Greece and Rome
