Dieren - De anatomie van zoogdieren
Hier leer je enkele woorden die verband houden met de anatomie van zoogdieren in het Engels, zoals "poot", "slagtand" en "tand".
any of the pair of branched horns that grow annually on the head of an adult animal, typically a male one, from the deer family

gewei, hoorn

an animal's foot that typically has a combination of nails, claws, fur, and pads

poot, voet

a hard, pointed, often curved structure found on the head of some animals, such as cows, goats, and sheep, made of keratin or bone, used for defense, display, or digging

hoorn, oren

any of the pair of legs at the back of a four-legged animal

achterlimb, achterpoot

any of the long, stiff hairs that grow on the face of a cat, mouse, etc.

snorharen, vibrissae

one of the two long and sharp teeth that some animals such as dogs, wolfs, or snakes have

tand, hoektand

the foot of a mammal that is divided into two parts such as that of goats, sheep, etc.

gespleten hoef, kloven hoef

the long and protruding facial part of an animal which comprises its nose and mouth, especially in a mammal

snuit, bek

a broad flat limb without any fingers that is used for swimming by some sea animals such as seals, turtles, etc.

vin, flipper

the joint in the hind limb of a quadruped between the fetlock and the knee

sprong, spronggewricht

either of the two bony parts of the skull that hold the mouth and teeth in any vertebrate

kaak, onderkaak

the part of the body of an animal, a bird or a fish that sticks out at the back, which can move

staart, achterste lid

the joint at the back of the leg and just above the hoof of any quadruped, such as a horse

fetlock, trochlea

the part of a horse's mane that grows from the poll and hangs down from the forehead

voorlok, manen

the part of the body of a female mammal from which the young suck milk

tepel, borst

the horny and hard part at the end of a limb of a mammal, such as a horse

hoef, nagel

the rear end of a quadruped including hind limbs

achterhand, achterpoten

an organ shaped like a bag that produces milk in a female mammal such as a horse, sheep, cow, etc.

uier, tepel

each of the curved pointy teeth of some animals such as elephants, boars, etc., especially one that stands out from the closed mouth

tand, hoektand

the lower part of the leg of an animal between the knee and the ankle

scheen, benen

the projecting part of the face of some animals such as dogs and horses that includes their jaws and noses

snuit, neus

an elongated and specialized nose or snout found in certain mammals

proboscis, langgerekte neus

a pocket-like structure that female marsupials, such as kangaroos, use to carry their young with them

zak, tas

a bone in the skull that connects to other bones in the head and is located near the temple

schubbenbeen, squamosum

related to or associated with the nails or claws of animals

nagelachtig, met nagels samenhangend

a specialized organ of the immune system located near the heart that produces T cells and plays a crucial role in the development of the immune system in early life


a specialized wet surface found in the noses of some mammals that helps them to detect and analyze different scents

rhinarium, neusvocht

a compartment of the ruminant stomach that features a honeycomb-like structure and aids in the breakdown and fermentation of ingested plant material


a stomach compartment in ruminant animals that helps filter and process food particles before further digestion and absorption

omasum, maagcompartiment

the fourth chamber of the stomach in ruminant animals, functioning as the true stomach where gastric juices aid in the breakdown of ingested food


a big part of the stomach in animals like cows, sheep, and goats, where food is processed and stored before it's fully digested

reticulorumen, netmaag