Essentiële Woordenschat voor de SAT-Examens - Vragen begrijpen
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met het begrijpen van vragen, zoals "specificeren", "parafraseren", "afleiden", enz. die u nodig heeft om uw SAT's te behalen.
a sentence or group of words from a movie, book, etc. that someone else repeats
citaat, aanhaling
to explain or show the meaning of something using examples, pictures, etc.
illusteren, uitleggen met voorbeelden
in a way that makes sense based on clear thinking or reasoning
logischerwijs, op logische wijze
to give special attention or importance to something
benadrukken, accentueren
having a close connection with the situation or subject at hand
relevant, betekenisvol
a connection that links one subject or idea to another
overgang, verbinding
to be or act in accordance with a rule, standard, etc.
zich conformeren, aanpassen
the common and proper way of doing something or appearing in a specific context or group
conventie, gebruik
to change something in a way that suits a new purpose or situation better
aangenamer maken, aanpassen
to gradually decrease the effectiveness, confidence, or power of something or someone
ondermijnen, verzwakken
to clearly state or define particular details, terms, or conditions in agreements or contracts
specificeren, bepalen
to reach an opinion or decision based on available evidence and one's understanding of the matter
afleiden, concluderen
to use something as a basis for further development
bouwen op, ge baseerd zijn op
to express the meaning of something written or spoken with a different choice of words
parafraseren, herformuleren
the overall sense of unity, logic, and connectedness in a text or discourse, where the ideas, information, and elements are organized and presented in a clear and meaningful way
coherentie, eenheid
to lessen the value or quality of something
verminderen, afwaarderen