Książka English File - Zaawansowany - Lekcja 8B
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z lekcji 8B z podręcznika English File Advanced, takie jak „imponujący”, „malowniczy”, „tandetny” itp.
to go from one location to another, particularly to a far location

podróżować, przesunąć się

the business of providing accommodation, services and entertainment for people who are visiting a place for pleasure


impressive or grand in appearance, size, presence that inspires respect, admiration, or awe

imponujący, wielki

not impressive, significant, or noteworthy in appearance, size, or manner

nieimponujący, skromny

incredibly impressive or beautiful, often leaving one feeling amazed

zapierający dech, niesamowity

widely recognized and regarded as a symbol of a particular time, place, or culture

ikoniczny, symboliczny

(particularly of a building or place) having a pleasant and charming appearance, often resembling a picture or painting

malowniczy, uroczy

remaining fresh, pure, and unharmed, without any signs of decay or damage

niezniszczony, czysty

to be filled with more people or things than is comfortable, safe, or desirable

przepełniać, zatłaczać

to give something or someone more credit than is deserved

przeceniać, przesadzać

(of a place or building) in a very poor condition, often due to negligence

zniszczony, zaniedbany

intended for, visited by, or attractive to tourists, in a way that one does not like it

turystyczny, zbyt turystyczny

to relax and take a break especially when feeling stressed or upset

zrelaksować się, odpocząć

to strike someone or something with force using one's hand or an object

uderzyć, bić

to arrange or put off an activity or an event for a later time than its original schedule

odłożyć, przesunąć

a small amount of a substance taken from a larger amount used for scientific analysis or therapeutic experiment

próbka, wzór