
كتاب English File - متقدم - الدرس 8 ب

ستجد هنا المفردات من الدرس 8ب في كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية المتقدم للملفات، مثل "فرض"، و"خلاب"، و"مبتذل"، وما إلى ذلك.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
English File - Advanced
to travel

to go from one location to another, particularly to a far location

يسافر, يتنقل

يسافر, يتنقل

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‌the business of providing accommodation, services and entertainment for people who are visiting a place for pleasure



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impressive or grand in appearance, size, presence that inspires respect, admiration, or awe

مهيب, عظيم

مهيب, عظيم

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not impressive, significant, or noteworthy in appearance, size, or manner

غير مهيب, بسيط

غير مهيب, بسيط

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incredibly impressive or beautiful, often leaving one feeling amazed

مذهل, مثير للإعجاب

مذهل, مثير للإعجاب

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widely recognized and regarded as a symbol of a particular time, place, or culture

أيقوني, رمزي

أيقوني, رمزي

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(of a place or atmosphere) full of excitement and energy

مفعم بالحياة, حيوي

مفعم بالحياة, حيوي

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off the beaten track

in a place that is very far from where people usually go to


(particularly of a building or place) having a pleasant and charming appearance, often resembling a picture or painting

خلاب, ساحر

خلاب, ساحر

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far away in space or distant in position

بعيد, نائي

بعيد, نائي

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remaining fresh, pure, and unharmed, without any signs of decay or damage

غير ملوث, نقي

غير ملوث, نقي

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boring or lacking interest, excitement, or liveliness

ممل, بارد

ممل, بارد

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to overcrowd

to be filled with more people or things than is comfortable, safe, or desirable

تجاوز عدد الأشخاص, اكتظ

تجاوز عدد الأشخاص, اكتظ

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to overrate

to give something or someone more credit than is deserved

يُبالِغ في تقدير, يُقدِّر أكثر من اللازم

يُبالِغ في تقدير, يُقدِّر أكثر من اللازم

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costing a lot of money

باهظ, مكلفة

باهظ, مكلفة

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(of a place or building) in a very poor condition, often due to negligence

مهدم, متدهور

مهدم, متدهور

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lacking emotional or spiritual depth or qualities

معدوم الروح, بلا روح

معدوم الروح, بلا روح

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having a cheap or overly showy appearance

بذيء, رخيص

بذيء, رخيص

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intended for, visited by, or attractive to tourists, in a way that one does not like it

سياحي, مكتظ بالسياح

سياحي, مكتظ بالسياح

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to chill out

to relax and take a break especially when feeling stressed or upset

استرخى, هدأ

استرخى, هدأ

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to extend

to enlarge or lengthen something

يمتد, يُطال

يمتد, يُطال

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to get away

to escape from someone or somewhere

يهرب, يفلت

يهرب, يفلت

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to go

to travel or move from one location to another

يذهب, يتجه

يذهب, يتجه

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to go on

to continue without stopping

يواصل, تابع

يواصل, تابع

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to hit

to strike someone or something with force using one's hand or an object

ضرب, أصاب

ضرب, أصاب

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to postpone

to arrange or put off an activity or an event for a later time than its original schedule

أجل, أخر

أجل, أخر

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to recharge

to refill an electronic device with energy

إعادة شحن, شحن مجدد

إعادة شحن, شحن مجدد

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a small amount of a substance taken from a larger amount used for scientific analysis or therapeutic experiment

عينة, مثال

عينة, مثال

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to set off

to start a journey

ينطلق, يبدأ الرحلة

ينطلق, يبدأ الرحلة

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to soak up

to fully immerse oneself in an experience

استيعاب, تجديد

استيعاب, تجديد

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to wander

to move in a relaxed or casual manner

يتجول, هائم

يتجول, هائم

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(of food or drink) having gone bad or become unsuitable for consumption

فسد, تلف

فسد, تلف

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