Książka Headway - Średnio zaawansowany wyższy - Angielski na co dzień (część 8)
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z 8. części Everyday English Unit z podręcznika Headway Upper Intermediate, takie jak „straszny”, „całkowicie”, „wykrzyknik” itp.
a sudden and short sound, word or phrase, uttered to express anger, excitement, etc.
wykrzyk, krzyk
exceptionally impressive, excellent, or outstanding
olśniewający, znakomity
(used for emphasis) to the fullest degree or extent
całkowicie, zupełnie
words or ideas that are considered to be false or of no value
bzdura, nonsens
very bad, often causing one to feel angry or annoyed
okropny, straszny
a situation with many problems or difficulties, caused particularly by someone who is careless
bałagan, chaos
a feeling of comfort that comes when something annoying or upsetting is gone
extremely surprising, particularly in a good way
niesamowity, zdumiewający
used to acknowledge a small mistake or a minor accident, often expressing regret, surprise, or embarrassment
Ups, Ojej
used to express relief or exhaustion, often after a difficult or challenging situation
uff, ufff
used to express disgust or strong dislike towards something
Fuj! To mleko jest kwaśne.
used to indicate that something is obvious or known already, often in a sarcastic or humorous way
Oczywiście, Jasne
used to express sudden pain or discomfort, often when experiencing a minor injury or bump
Au!, Ojej!
used to express a strong feeling of surprise, wonder, admiration, or amazement
łaaa, wow
used to represent laughter or amusement in a casual or sarcastic manner
Ha ha, He he